here is my contents page
these are only a few ideas, I may update when I have more ideas as I only have about 7-8 stories now.
I found this front cover of a college magazine on the internet and decided to compare it to my other front cover I wrote about earlier.
I found this at:
This magazines masthead is a very simple one, it has simple font and is clearly at the top of the page. Also the masthead is spread out to fit the whole page.
Unlike normal magazines this college magazine doesn't have a barcode or a price on it so I'm assuming that it is free and used to deal with issues from the college or just general issues college students have. A main similarity between normal magazines and this college magazine is the main image, on both magazines the image is very dominant and fits the whole page to draw the readers attention to it. From what i can see, I don't think that this magazine has an issue number however it may be at the bottom of the page.