Friday, 18 December 2009
Monday, 14 December 2009
Friday, 4 December 2009
Target Audience
I would like the genre of my magazine to be mostly rock as most music magazines are because there are no big selling mainstream magazines that I have found. Also this is because I would have more to speak about and include in my magazine. This genre is one of the most sold genres for a magazine.
I have targeted my audience to be of the age of 16-25 and the price would be £2+ because they would be students or in a job so they would have the money to buy it.

Friday, 27 November 2009
Textual analysis: NME

NME magazine is a well known magazine that promotes rock/alternative music. They also have a music channel and are known for their interviews and knowledge of alternative music and up-coming bands.
This magazine is quite different to the Kerrang! magazine because the image is a close-up shot however Kerrang! mostly show medium shots or long shots to establish what the individual bands look like. This magazine cover in particular shows a close-up of Dave Grohl, the lead singer of Foo Fighters. The image fills the whole page and he looks frustrated. This goes well with the title"I'm not dead".
The text on this cover is very bold and bright. The title Foo Fighters seems to be embossed, I think that they meant to make it look like this as it draws attention to the magazine. The rest of the text on this magazine isn't a bold but is still in bright colours, it doesn't draw much attention form the main story as if to show that the other stories are important but not as much as the main story.
The colour scheme for this magazine isn't like it is for Kerrang!. There seems to be more bright colours in ratio to dark I think that this is to dram more attention to the magazine.There seems to be a lot of red,white and yellow.
this magazine the layout seems fairly simple so the reader doesn't feel intimidated by the mass amounts of content shown on the front cover. However even though the layout is simple there is no negative space so the front cover doesn't look empty. I think that the idea of having no negative space is a good idea because if there is too much negative space then the magazine looks empty and boring.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Kerrang! deconstruction of a front cover

Monday, 16 November 2009
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Magazine conventions(music and normal)
The magazines I have researched have had these in them, I don't think that these are in every magazine however they are in the magazines I have researched.
Cover Page
- Main image
- Colour scheme
- Barcode
- Masthead
- Main coverline
- Price
- Selling line
- Date
- Issue number
Contents Page
- Page Numbers
- Heading/Subheadings
- Cover stories
- Regular section
- Features Section
- Editors letter
- Contact Information
- Review section
- Simple colour schemes(Black writing on white paper)
Music Magazines Specific
- Music Reviews
- General Media Reviews(DVD's etc)
- Gig listings and Reviews
- Music News
- Music Posters
- Artist Interviews
- Posters
Double-Page Spread
- Short description of Article
- Drop cap to begin the Article
- Large Title
- Full Page image With caption in bottom corner
- Other images with captions and quotes
- At the end of the article the magazine is credited and a website is posted for further reading
Friday, 6 November 2009
stuff for music magazine
To create a front page, contents page and a double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used must be original and produced by you- minimum of four images.
Language is the use of media language and terminology.For example, using Mojo, the masthead is large and spread across the top of the page. This is to ake the magazine stand out to get the readers attention. In language we use media language and terminology to deconstruct media such as magazines and TV drama. The types of media texts we can deconstruct are mastheads, coverlines, and the main image.
Ideology is the study of ideas that are put in the magazine that shows why they've used it in the magazine and how it relates to what they are showing. Also it shows what is important to their readers and conveys that in the magazine.
Institution is the companie that creates the magazine and the media text. It controls the language, representation and ideology of the media text.
Audience is the readers of the magazine, who the magazine is aimed at. Their are many classes of audience, e.g. gender, age, social class, and many more.
Representation is how the different groups or individuals are portrayed in the magazine.
Monday, 19 October 2009
Friday, 16 October 2009
Microsoft Office Word
Microsoft Publisher
I think that for my magazine I'll be using Microsoft Publisher because I know how to use this software and it already has a simple and easy to follow layout available.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Ideas for cover stories
- Red Nose Day, how are we helping?
- Dreaming of a Wyke Christmas
- Student Gossip Page
- Wyke Musical... Battle of the sexes
- Dodgeball, The champs
- Rose Garden, Why have it?
- Health and wellbeing
- feedback on new psychology teaching styles
these are only a few ideas, I may update when I have more ideas as I only have about 7-8 stories now.
Monday, 12 October 2009

I found this front cover of a college magazine on the internet and decided to compare it to my other front cover I wrote about earlier.
I found this at:
This magazines masthead is a very simple one, it has simple font and is clearly at the top of the page. Also the masthead is spread out to fit the whole page.
Unlike normal magazines this college magazine doesn't have a barcode or a price on it so I'm assuming that it is free and used to deal with issues from the college or just general issues college students have. A main similarity between normal magazines and this college magazine is the main image, on both magazines the image is very dominant and fits the whole page to draw the readers attention to it. From what i can see, I don't think that this magazine has an issue number however it may be at the bottom of the page.
Monday, 5 October 2009
Research for a front cover

Browsing the internet I found this cover for a magazine called SHATTERED. I thought I could deconstruct the image and find out a few things that are neccessary for a magazine front cover.
The masthead
The masthead is most often found at the top of the cover and this displays the name of the magazine and is very important. The masthead is the visual branding of the title. The masthead usually has a certain font, so it is easily recognisable for the readers of the magazine itself.
The barcode and selling
This part of the magazine shows the year, month and day that the magazine is published.
The barcode is a standard barcode used by retailers to tell them how much the magazine costs, usually the price of the magazine is either by the side of or underneath the barcode, this is so the consumer knows how much the magazine is.
The Issue number
putting the Issue number on the magazine helps people to go back to any issue if they have to.
The issue number is there so that the consumer knows what issue it is. Also it is there so that the consumer knows if they have missed one of the magazines or not, it could also be used by the creator of the magazine to post feed-back on a certain issue of the magazine.
Main Image
In the case of this magazine cover, the main image is of the band Irony is Dead. Two of the three band members have tinsel wrapped around their neck to show that it is a christmas issue and they are showing christmas spirit. All three band members are making eye contact to draw you into the magazine, also they are all stood casually to show that this magazine isn't about serious news.
conventions of a contents page
- Page numbers
- sub-headings
- pictures to describe topic
- contact information
- Cover stories
- adverts
- information about the magazine
- stories
- welcome paragraph
- competition information
Monday, 28 September 2009
codes and conventions of a college magazine
- the masthead must be clear
- cant be a tabloid, must be a broadsheet
- clear images, relevant to the stories in the mag
- has to have a name
- issue number
- date
- website
- e-mail, way of getting in contact to share your views on stories in mag
- main image for main story and smaller images for other stories in mag
- the cost of magazine, unless its free
- show free-bees on cover of mag
- have an advert on the back
the brief
Main Task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and text used must be original, produced by you - minimum of four images.
Presentation of your work
The presentaion of the research, planning and evaluation may take the form of any one, or combination of two or more, of the following:
- a presentation using slideshow software such as PowerPoint;
- a blog;
- a podcast;
Don't worry if you havn't ever produced a blog before as we will investigate a range of techniques to present your work electronically in your production sessions. If you would like to make a head start then visit www.blogger.com and take the guided tour of what the site has to offer.