Q Magazine
This magazine is one of the best selling music magazines. Inside this magazine they show more information on CD's DVD's and interviews with bands.
The image is of the famous Madonna. The image is different to the Karrang! magazine because there is only one main image without more little images filling up the space.This image shows Madonna looking straight into the camera, inviting the audience into the magazine.
The headlines for the sover stories are the same colour as the logo which is really well formatted. Also the font is quite simplistic but effective as it doesn't confuse the reader, or distract them. There is more description in the text than there is in the Kerrang! magazine so it symbolises that this magazine will have more information inside than inside the Kerrang! magazine.
Again I see that this magazine has chosen to stick with a simple colour scheme of red and white. The white and red writing sticks out on the background of the black top that Madonna is wearing.
The layout for this cover is quite simple but packed, they have used a medium close up of Madonna and ued that as the the background. They have also put the masthead in the usual place of the top left hand corner underneath everything else. The main cover story is just over the image of Madonna in red writin to make it stand out.
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